July 27 07

Present: Ruth, Laurel, Tom, Jane, Stuart

Sept 23rd, Sunday at 2 for annual meeting—possibly at Community Center—need to call Rosemary Bryant 387-6002 to confirm.

Nominating committee—Ruth, Jane, Laurel. They’ll come up with the slate. New board member to be, Maryanne Toffolon. Need other new members.

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No Move to Pierce’s Hall

In case you haven’t heard, the board of PHS determined that the historical society could not coexist with the monthly contra dances held at Pierce’s Hall.  The East Putney Community Club was very generous to offer to share the space of the Hall, especially considering the historical society’s recent difficulty in finding a place to … Read more

Accessioning of Subject Files Completed

Thanks to the hard work of Stuart Strothman and Mary Jane MacGuire, the massive collection of “subject files” has been recorded and electronically listed.  This work took well over two hundred hours during the course of the last two years.  There are three subject file drawers in the cabinet; Lindley Speers and Fern Tavalin recorded … Read more

New Historical Society Office in Town Hall

If you haven’t seen our new office yet, do make an appointment to come by the town hall to look at it, and to do any research you may be interested in. The office is small but comfortable; it is located in the former ladies’ room, on the right hand side of the large upstairs … Read more

November 14 07

Present: Stuart Strothman, Tim Ragle, Lindley Speers, Jane Rawley, Lyssa Papazian, Laurel Ellis, and Tom Jamison.
Secretary’s Report
President Stuart Strothman presented the minutes of the PHS Annual Meeting, held September 23, 2007, at the Community Center.
Motion to accept the minutes was made, seconded, and accepted.

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Annual Meeting, September 23 07

Location: Putney Community Center

Members present: President Ruth Barton, Vice President Laurel Ellis, Secretary Stuart Strothman, Barbara Taylor, Tom Jamison, Jane Rawley, Tim Ragle
Also present, many people including Craig Stead, co presenter with Tim Ragle of historic 1820’s house.

Meeting called to order by Ruth Barton at 2:00 p.m.

Secretary’s report was offered. Motion by Laurel Ellis to accept the September 24, 2006 minutes of the Putney Historical Society Annual Meeting was seconded and accepted.

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January 25 08

Putney Historical Society Minutes

January 19, 2008

Present: Stuart Strothman, Barbara Taylor, Jane Rawley, Lyssa Papazian, Lindley Speers, Tim Ragle.

Meeting began at 9:30 a.m.

Secretary’s Report

President Stuart Strothman presented the minutes of the November 14th PHS meeting.

Lyssa moved to accept the minutes. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

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May 31 08

PHS Minutes, May 31, 2008
Present: Tim, Ruth, Lindley, Barbara, Stuart, Laurel, Maryanne

Minutes of PHS Jan. 19, 2008 approved
Twilight on the tavern—moved and seconded to contribute $100 to the concert series. Concerts will be on Sunday this year.
Regular hours + staffing—Stuart is planning to staff PHS 9-12 Saturdays, and would like to advertise.

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