Historic Photo Published
An historic photograph from the Putney Historical Society’s collection has been included in Ken Burns’ new book Our America: A Photographic History. The photograph shows a tug-of-war taking place around 1900. Learn more>
Preserving "the best-known small town in America"
Minutes, historical society issues, membership and fundraising.
An historic photograph from the Putney Historical Society’s collection has been included in Ken Burns’ new book Our America: A Photographic History. The photograph shows a tug-of-war taking place around 1900. Learn more>
by Lyssa Papazian Last July, the Putney Historical Society signed a 25-year lease with the town for use of the upstairs of the historic 1871 town hall (now unused due to inaccessibility and no heat, etc.). We are partnering with the town on developing and funding (raising funding) for a joint rehabilitation project. There will … Read more
We have several of the 1893 pews from the former United Church (now Next Stage) that we’d like to distribute to people interested in putting them to use. Great for hallways, porches, mudrooms or right in your living room! They come with almost new cushions. Some of the pews have two ends, some have one, … Read more
The third chapter of Bill Darrow’s book about the Washburn family explores the rift created by John Humphrey Noyes and his radical religious sect of Bible Communism. This chapter delves into the historical context of the Second Great Awakening. The Washburns in Putney – Chapter 3
The Vermont Historical Society initiated their History in the 252 project. The Putney Historical Society submitted information on John Humphrey Noyes that was included in the project website: https://vermonthistory.org/history-in-the-252. Keep an eye out for the next PHS newsletter that will include an article by Bill Darrow that continues his history of the Washburn family and … Read more
The Putney Historical Society’s collection of late 19th/early 20th century photographs containsmany photos of Putney families gathered on their porches or in their front yards. This summer, the Putney Historical Society asks Putney residents to carry on this tradition, and update our town’s historical record, by submitting family photographs taken in front of their homes. … Read more
by Nancy Olson Elka Leigh Scott Schumann, (1935 – 2021) is perhaps best known in Vermont as the co-founder with her husband Peter Schumann of Bread and Puppet Theater, located in the town of Glover, in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom. But she also has some interesting ties to the town of Putney. First, some background on … Read more
Planning for the future of the PHS collection by Carolyn Handy What’s in the PHS collection? Papers? Paintings? Textiles? Tools? The answer is: all of those and more. Two of many goals of the society are that the public will be able to see displays of the collection in person, as well as online. In … Read more
by Tim Ragle and Tom Jamison Earlier this spring Robert Allard generously gave a collection of historical records related to Putney’s history to the Putney Historical Society. Robert’s great grandfather, Russell H. Braley, a farmer in Putney, was a district commissioner for School District No. 4. He collected taxes for schools and recorded information on … Read more
Click here for The Washburns in Putney – Chapter 2. Chapter 2 is Bill Darrow’s second installment on the Washburn family traces the fortunes of the large family as many children spread from Vermont across the country. Their mother/stepmother Patty returned to Putney with seven young children during a time of religious and social turmoil … Read more