c. 1796-99 – 1801 William Sargent & John Griffin (built the store – originally a 1½-story structure)
1801 – 1815 Samuel Chandler & Levi Bigelow
1815 – 1823 Benjamin Smith
1823 – 1826 James Keyes & Isaac Grout
1826 – 1838 James Keyes (“The White Store”)
1838 – 1846 Peyton R. Chandler (“P.R. Chandler Store”)
During this time – 1843 per a note on a roof rafter, the store building was raised to a full two stories – the second floor was used primarily for storage with a hoist and large loft door on the Main Street Side.
1846 – 1850 Peyton R. Chandler & Rollin W. Keyes (“Chandler & Keyes Store”)
1850 – 1857 Calvin W. Keyes & Haynes E. Baker (“Baker & Keyes Store”) They also acquired a Fairbanks Hay Scale which the store operated
1857 – 1882 Alexis B. Hewitt (“Corner Store”)
1882 – 1886 Herbert E. Wheat (“Corner Store” with Hay Scales)

1886 – 1889 Hebert E. Wheat & Adelbert M. Corser
1889 – 1915 Adelbert M. & Minnie Corser (“A.M. Corser Store”)
The store was renovated with two story bay windows added containing storefronts. Corser was a photographer who took thousands of glass plate negatives – most of which are now in the collection of the Putney Historical Society)

1915 – 1949 Simon L. & Nyra Davis (“S.L. Davis Store”)

1949 – 1966 Oscar and Bessie Cummings (“Cummings Store”)

1966 – 1974 Albert & Mary Fickett (“Fickett’s General Store”)
1974 – 2000 Robert & Ann Fairchild (“Putney General Store”)

2000 – 2006 Dan Mitnik and Shari Gliedman (“Putney General Store”)

2006 – 2008 Erhan Oge and Tugce Okamus (“Putney General Store”; in May of 2008 an electrical fire burned the roof off and the store was closed)

2008 – present The Putney Historical Society owned and rehabilitated the burned store, but an arson fire in November of 2009 burned the building to the ground. It was reconstructed in 2010-2011.

Proprietors of the Putney General Store since 2011
The Putney Historical Society has owned the General Store since 2011, leasing to the proprietors:
2011 – 2013: Ming Chou proprietor (“Putney General Store”)
2013 – 2016: James Heal (“Putney General Store & Pharmacy”)

2017 – 2019 Putney Historical Society as proprietors (“Putney General Store”)
2019 – present Mike & Kim Cosco (“Putney General Store” & “Phoenix Gifts”)