by Tim Ragle and Tom Jamison
Earlier this spring Robert Allard generously gave a collection of historical records related to Putney’s history to the Putney Historical Society. Robert’s great grandfather, Russell H. Braley, a farmer in Putney, was a district commissioner for School District No. 4. He collected taxes for schools and recorded information on the value of farms in the town for tax purposes.
The documents span from 1840 to the 1890s, some clearly belonging to Mr. Braley and others that may have been in his possession as a school district commissioner. One of these is a book of records for the School District No. 4 with warnings of meetings and results of meetings. Other records include notes taken regarding the counts and values of livestock, maple trees and carriages. One of the items listed for nearly every entry is “poll” and we are uncertain what that refers to.
Two of the booklets list District No. 4 school tax records for 1886 and 1891.
Other records include:
- Receipt for payment of $4.90 to the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts dated February 1st, 1853 for the use of land leased to George Pierce.
- Receipt for payment of $25 to the Putney Federated Church Improvement Project from Bessie F. Braley on September 18, 1924.
- A form letter dated July 14, 1955 asking for contributions to a fund to aid Dr. Charles DeWolfe who was in the Brattleboro Memorial Hospital.
- Federated Church Treasurer’s Report for December 31, 1956.
- Report of the Putney School Board dated January 1957 relating to the condition of the school and the need for construction of a new building, proposing to purchase of the 150 acre parcel of the DeWolfe property for the purpose.
- Three advertising cards for Wheeler & Wilson, Standard and White sewing machines. The Wheeler & Wilson and the Standard cards indicate the machines were sold by A. M. Corser in Putney and the White card indicated E. J. Knapp & Co. in Bellows Falls.
- A wooden ruler advertising Summit Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces made by Summit Foundry Co, in Geneva, NY and sold by Manley Brothers in Brattleboro
We appreciate Bob Allard’s gift to the Putney Historical Society. The materials will be available to those interested in examining them.